
Your Life Begins When You Know Its Purpose

Conscious Creation Overview

by Paul M. Helfrich

We at NewWorldView have studied, practiced, and integrated profound works of science, art, and spirit to help ourselves live our most purposeful lives, to assist in the global shift in consciousness now in process, and help others do so, too. Here is a brief summary of the basic principles we teach and promote.

Conscious creation is the means to create what you desire

The term conscious creation was coined by Jane Roberts, a gifted writer, poet, and psychic whose life’s work spanned forty-six published books, including short stories, fiction, and poetry. Roberts is best remembered today for a series of books that are most often referred to as the Seth material — a body of perennial wisdom that resulted from a then little known psychic ability called channeling.

Jane’s work forms a contemporary translation of the common elements of every religious and spiritual tradition—known as perennial philosophy—into the language and value systems of late twentieth century Western thought. They are not offered as dogmatic absolutes, but as a flexible framework in which to jointly move forward as we cope with the pace of twenty-first century life, for which by all indications, incorporates what many have defined as a global shift in consciousness.

Consciousness is primary to Everything

A main tenet of conscious creation is that consciousness is primary: that all matter — our brains, bodies, and all physical reality — is created and maintained by our consciousness, individually and collectively. We live in a conscious universe that by definition contains multiple, nested orders of sentience, perception, and memory that are not limited to human beings. All matter and energy contain their own distinct nested orders of conscious awareness, from subatomic particles, to planets, to galaxies, to All That Is.

You create your own reality

This idea has been expressed in many forms throughout the last century, from The Power of Positive Thinking to The Secret. The challenge is to learn how to recognize this “you” who creates 100% of your reality, and then how to take full responsibility for everything you manifest in your life – abundance/scarcity, fear/love, sickness/health, etc. It can be challenging, as growth often is, but the payoffs can be very rewarding.

How do we create the reality that we most desire? We do it consciously. Hence, conscious creation is a means to become aware of underlying belief systems, emotions, expectations, and other factors, such as intent—our soul’s design for expression—to create the reality we most deeply desire.

Your ego doesn’t solely create your reality

According to Seth and many other sources (including most religions, which we’ll see) human consciousness is fueled by a source self or soul that simultaneously exists “outside” of physical reality. Our ego-self — our primary waking sense of self and center of gravity for our identity as it unfolds during a lifetime — not only survives physical death but continues to grow and develop in other frameworks of consciousness “afterward.” Since our familiar physical universe is but one of an infinite array of conscious frameworks, our souls are multidimensional by nature, existing in multiple places and times, constantly seeking new and creative experiences.

One part of our own direct experience falls under the category of altered or non-ordinary states of consciousness that connect us with our own inner knowing. They have been consistently experienced by humans in many, if not all, cultures throughout recorded history. The words that describe one’s non-ordinary experiences can only hold incomplete, symbolic meanings. But the concepts hinted at serve as a trigger for our own inner knowing. These triggers open the door to further self-discovery and self-realization.

People have always had deeply intuitive and spiritual experiences, providing personal testimony that we all have a direct subjective connection with the Divine, which goes by many names including Source, Spirit, Consciousness, God, or All-That-Is. We, too, can better understand our connection with the Divine – not just have faith in it – through our own direct experience through the use of our inner senses.

Most religions would agree, though you may have to dig a little

Most religious traditions contain deep or transformative practices that promote growth and direct, personal experience of the Divine within. These experiences are described by the founders of every authentic religious tradition. Over the centuries, many religions lost their focus on direct experience of the Divine, opting instead for shallower translative beliefs, rituals, and rules that help individuals cope with life’s changes and challenges, such as illness, birth, death, and marriage.

Yet in spite of their varying origins and translations, some big ideas consistently appear in some form in all the world’s major religions (Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Kabbalist, Gnostic Christian, Sufi Muslim, etc.)

  1. The physical field is not the only reality, because there is a nonphysical Source which is not usually perceived by the physical senses.
  2. As long as we never experience this Source, we live in a world of separation and illusion.
  3. We can, however, learn to directly experience this Source, within and without, through the use deep intuitions or inner senses.

The Perennial Philosophy

The common elements between the traditions are referred to as the Perennial Philosophy. Philosopher and mathematician Godfrey Leibniz coined the term, writer Aldous Huxley made it famous in The Perennial Philosophy, and religious scholar Huston Smith showed its continued relevance to modern and postmodern worldviews.

“The words differ from one tradition to another, but their central message is the same: You are more than you think! Look deep within, and you will find that your ego is only a tiny wave atop the vast ocean that is your real Self. Look within, and at the center of your mind, in the depths of your soul, you will find your true Self, that this Self is intimately linked to the sacred, and that you share in the unbounded bliss of the sacred.”

~ Roger Walsh, Psychiatrist, Buddhist Meditator

The schism of worldviews

Traditional religious worldviews hold that God, Spirit, or Consciousness with a capital “C” exists, and that this is knowable through one’s direct, subjective experience. As modern science over centuries reduced consciousness to a byproduct of brain chemistry and produced discoveries that shredded traditional religious claims of scripture as Absolute Truth, it declared its way of knowing through five senses, third person objectivity as the only real way to know truth. The notion of first person subjectivity was replaced by third person facts, objects, and processes. As a result, modern science threw out the transcendental baby with the superstitious bathwater, because it did not recognize the difference, and all mystical experience from the traditional religions was negated.

The tragedy of scientism is that it negates spiritual sense and expression, crippling humanity’s ability to fully know and utilize our Divine gifts.

In its extreme forms, Scientism and its subset Evolutionism were born. These rely on the same faith as traditional religion in that they, ironically, cannot provide a valid scientific proof that scientific method was the only way to know truth, an assumption that is inherently contradictory. Scientism and Evolutionism thus took their place next to Creationism in various institutional forms. Thus, today we have traditional and modern worldviews competing with each other in most classrooms, but in time, postmodern worldviews that embrace both will be included. This is our natural evolutionary course.

Why worldviews are important

We use the terms traditional, modern, and postmodern to describe the development of the worldviews (belief systems) in history, in our present culture, and in our personal development. Many developmental psychologists including Piaget, Maslow, and Graves have proven that humans universally begin at stage one and subsequently grow through more mature physical and psychological stages. Though they used different terms, and have mapped different stages and abilities, in all cases basic development follows in what Dr. Clare Graves called

“…unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to new, higher-order systems as man’s existential problems change.”

The differences between stages, and the life conditions that push us up this spiral of evolution, often create personal crises and conflicts that require understanding of the belief systems at work. In short, as we mature, we are better able to handle complexity and discern subtle relationships between ourselves, our world, and how we can all get along. Because worldviews build upon each other, it is critical that we mine the gems of wisdom found each worldview.

Why new worldviews are critical

We at NewWorldView bring an inclusive view using the sound foundation of the science of behavioral psychology, particularly the work of Dr. Graves and Dr. Don Beck in the field of Spiral Dynamics. We have incorporated and stratified the Seth material, and many other spiritually-oriented sources, to strengthen their value and validity. We are rehabilitating the premodern, mystical worldview inherent in each of us using the best of modern science, not to go backward, but to move upward!

While we have incorporated wisdom from many sources into our teachings, we especially take to heart the advice from Seth to “live up to the abilities of consciousness.” We are doing this by reclaiming our spiritual lineage, encouraging direct experience, promoting practices that develop inner senses, and ensuring safe and respectful forums for exploration. We encourage each individual to be a channel for their Source—their Divinity, their Personal God—through whatever forms of expression are personally satisfying and useful to others. We do this through assisting in the recognition and remembrance of our unique intents in life—our soul’s design for expression. All of these are required to resolve our current global challenges.

This is the reason for adopting a new worldview: to discover our true Self, to discover our place in the world, and to discover how we can live in harmony. 

We hope you will join us!

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