
Your Life Begins When You Know Its Purpose

A Seth/Jane Roberts Annotated Book Listing

Compiled by Paul M. Helfrich, Ph.D.

 Seth dictated books by Jane Roberts
 (in order of original publication)

    1. Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
    2. The Nature of Personal Reality
    3. The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 1
    4. The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 2
    5. The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
    6. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
    7. Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 1
    8. Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 2
    9. The Magical Approach: Seth Speaks About the Art of Creative Living
    10. The Way Toward Health
    11. The Early Sessions: Book 1 of the Seth Material
    12. The Early Sessions: Book 2 of the Seth Material
    13. The Early Sessions: Book 3 of the Seth Material
    14. The Early Sessions: Book 4 of the Seth Material
    15. The Early Sessions: Book 5 of the Seth Material
    16. The Early Sessions: Book 6 of the Seth Material
    17. The Early Sessions: Book 7 of the Seth Material
    18. The Early Sessions: Book 8 of the Seth Material
    19. The Early Sessions: Book 9 of the Seth Material
    20. The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of the Deleted Seth Material
    21. The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of the Deleted Seth Material
    22. The Personal Sessions: Book 3 of the Deleted Seth Material
    23. The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of the Deleted Seth Material
    24. The Personal Sessions: Book 5 of the Deleted Seth Material
    25. The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of the Deleted Seth Material
    26. The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of the Deleted Seth Material
    27. The Early Class Sessions: Book 1, 9/12/67 – 11/25/69
    28. The Early Class Sessions: Book 2, 1/6/70 – 12/29/70
    29. The Early Class Sessions: Book 3, 1/5/71 – 5/18/71
    30. The Early Class Sessions: Book 4, 5/25/71 – 1/25/72

Seth-related books by Jane Roberts
(in order of original publication)

    1. How to Develop Your ESP Power: The First Published Encounter With Seth
    2. The Seth Material
    3. The Education of Oversoul Seven (part of The Oversoul Seven Trilogy, with the two books that follow)
    4. The Further Education of Oversoul Seven
    5. Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time
    6. Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology
    7. Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time
    8. Psychic Politics (An Aspect Psychology Book)
    9. The World View of Paul Cezanne: A Psychic Interpretation
    10. The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James
    11. Emir’s Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers
    12. The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto (An Aspect Psychology Book)
    13. If We Live Again, or, Public Magic and Private Love
    14. Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
    15. A Seth Reader
    16. The World View of Rembrandt

Seth-related books by Susan M. Watkins
(in order of original publication)

  1. Conversations with Seth: The Story of Jane Roberts’s ESP Class
  2. Speaking of Jane Roberts: Remembering the Author of the Seth Material
 On the web there are several used book sites that carry Jane Roberts books. Check out:

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.Seth’s first book is an essential guide to conscious living. It clearly and powerfully articulates the furthest reaches of human potential and presents the concept that we are independent of our physical image and have access to intuitional knowledge and other dimensions of reality. Seth Speaks has withstood the test of time and is still considered one of the most dynamic and brilliant maps of inner reality and human potential available today. Seth discusses:

• the human soul as a multidimensional entity, “reincarnational” dramas
• “coordinate points” that transform thoughts and emotions into physical matter
• the human soul and the nature of its perception
• sleep, dreams, and consciousness
• the “death” experience, the afterdeath environment, and the mechanics of transition
• probabilities as aspects of multidimensional reality
• the multidimensional God concept—All That Is
• altered states of consciousness, multiple focus
• the Speakers who maintained an oral tradition of original knowledge passed down from generation to generation, paving the way for Christianity
• the Christ drama: the three Christs (John, Jesus, Paul), the historical Christ was not crucified, and we are heading toward probabilities in which humanity undergoes a major psychic transformation by 2075.

“Quite simply one of the best books I’ve ever read!” Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions.

“I would like to see the Seth books as required reading for anyone on their spiritual pathway. The amazing in-depth information in the Seth books is as relevant today as it was in the early ’70s when Jane Roberts first channeled the material.” Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life.

The Nature of Personal Reality
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In this perennial bestseller, Seth shows readers how we create our personal reality through our conscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. His message is clear: we are not at the mercy of the subconscious, or helpless before forces we cannot understand. “We are Gods couched in creaturehood,” Seth says, “We are given the ability to form our experience as our thoughts and feelings become actualized.” In this remarkable book, Seth stresses the individual’s capacity for conscious action and provides practical exercises that show us how to apply his empowering insights to any life situation. Seth discusses:

• the core relationship between personal beliefs and conscious creation
• “You Make Your Own Reality,” “you get what you concentrate upon, there is no other basic rule”—Seth’s mantras that form the basis of conscious creation
• beliefs of good and evil, their impact on personal and mass creations
• the state of natural grace
• which you? which world?—the every day impact of probable events and the choices we make
• “The Present is the Point of Power”—Seth’s mantra for living in the present moment, the point where all conscious creation occurs
• natural hypnosis and healing

The Nature of Personal Reality had an important influence on my life and work. Seth’s teachings provided one of the initial inspirations for writing Creative Visualization.” Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization.

“I count Jane Roberts’s brilliant book, The Nature of Personal Reality, as a spiritual classic and one of the influential books in my life. As I closed the last page, I looked up at a new world—boundless and filled with possibility.” Dan Millman, author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.

The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 1
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In this mind-stretching journey into the very frontiers of consciousness, Seth continues his discussions of the multidimensional nature of the human soul. In Seth Speaks, Seth introduced the concept of “probable realities,” in which all possible choices are fully experienced by other portions of the self. Now, in this first volume of The “Unknown” Reality, Seth explains the dazzling labyrinths of unseen probabilities involved in any decision, and how our awareness of these can enrich the waking life we know. In a fascinating exploration of the cosmic web of our existence, Seth reveals:

• the purpose of dreams, and how they are often fulfilled unconsciously
• “consciousness units” (CUs), “electromagnetic energy units” (EEs), as the building blocks of our entire universe
• misconceptions about death and the afterlife
• how different probable realities intersect and influence one another
• the relationship between physical health and inner reality
• explorers of the unknown reality—the dream-art scientist, true mental physicist, complete physician; as dream-art disciplines for incorporating the “blueprints” for reality into physical reality
• a series of exercises to help you discover the unknown portions of your greater identity

“The Seth books present an alternate map of reality with a new diagram of the psyche … useful to all explorers of consciousness.” Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind.

The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 2
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In this second volume of The “Unknown” Reality, Seth radically expands our conceptions of “self,” by showing us that the human personality is literally infinite in its scope and potential. He discloses precisely how probable realities combine to create our waking lives and how our “wider selves” make decisions regarding our everyday existence. In a far-reaching exploration of the dynamics of desire and free will, he asserts that each atom, molecule, and cell has its own consciousness and powers of choice. With humor and simple analogies, Seth leads us beyond our ordinary level of awareness into a spectacular discovery of the multidimensional nature of the self, including:

• more practical exercises for exploring your own “unknown reality”
• the first mention of the Sleepwalkers—from whom Seth traces the origins of the human race, as a manifestation of non-physical aspects of our psyche
• the relevance of extrasensory perception in understanding our world
• how to manipulate inner reality in dreams and out-of-body states
• more on the “blueprints” for conscious creation
• “counterparts” as psychic relationships, in historic time and out of it, between people
• “families of consciousness” as psychic relationships that we choose to belong to
• Seth’s Christmas tree light analogy for the human psyche
• the transformation of the human race into new kind of selfhood, based upon a multidimensional psyche
• Seth’s dream city exercise carried on in Jane’s ESP class

“Seth was one of my first metaphysical teachers. He remains a constant source of knowledge and inspiration in my life.” Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love.

The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.Seth, speaking exclusively through Jane Roberts, reveals a startling new concept of self, answering questions about the secret language of love, human sexuality, the real origins and incredible power of dreams, and how we choose our physical “death”—sometimes years in advance. For the first time explains:

• simple exercises you can do to expand your awareness of the deeper portions of your psyche and stretch your abilities to their fullest potential
• why love is the basic “language” from which all others spring
• “cordellas” as the inner source for all languages—spoken languages, the body as biological “language,” and dreams as the “language” of the psyche
• the bisexual nature of humanity and its biological and spiritual importance
• the true basis of homosexuality and lesbianism—along with their private and social effects
• how dreams can prevent chronic illnesses by providing important therapeutic information

“As you read Seth’s words, you will gain more than just new ideas. Seth’s energy comes through every page, energy that expands your consciousness and changes your thoughts about the nature of reality.” Sanaya Roman, author of Living with Joy.

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.Speaking exclusively through Jane Roberts, Seth has repeatedly stressed the concept that we create our own reality according to our individual beliefs. But how do our realities merge and combine to form mass reactions such as the overthrow of governments, the birth of a new religion, wars, epidemics, earthquakes, and new periods of art, architecture, and technology? In yet another pioneering work, Seth explores the connection between personal beliefs and world events. He pinpoints the unconscious—and often negative—beliefs pervading science and religion, medicine and mythology, Darwinism, Freudianism, religions, cults, and medical beliefs.

With fascinating and inspiring implications, Seth asserts that the personal impulses we are often taught to see as dangerous, chaotic, or contradictory are instead crucial to the best interest of the species and the natural world, for they lead us to live “not only as loving caretakers, but as partners with other species.”

Seth discusses:

• the concept of the natural body
• Framework 1—the everyday world stage where mass events crystallize
• Framework 2—the infinite, dynamic, timeless bank of all potential mass events
• the relationship of myth and physical events
• natural laws of love and cooperation
• war as mass suicide
• the importance of learning to trust and follow impulses
• the practicing idealist—an individual who completely trusts and accepts themselves, acting from their own and believing in others’ “good” intent.

“Only people who trust their spontaneous impulses can be consciously wise enough to choose from a myriad of probable futures the most promising events …” Seth

Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 1
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In this first volume of Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Seth takes us on an odyssey to identify the origins of our universe and our species. He revisits the concept of “consciousness units” that form the basis of all energy and matter, and charts a conscious, self-aware universe that is constantly recreated by our own thoughts, dreams, and desires. Illuminating the part that humans play in the greater scheme of things, he suggest that we are alive not only for the continuation of the species, but to add to the very quality of life itself. Other fascinating topics include:

• the origins or “before the beginning” of our universe in which Divine Creativity—All-That-Is—manifested individualized consciousness
• we, the human race and all species, literally dreamed ourselves into existence via aspects of our psyche called Sleepwalkers
• the belief system known as “evolution” is a gross distortion
• the role dreams play in the creation of language and technology
• the relationship between genetic heritage and “reincarnation”
• more on “consciousness units” (CUs) and “electromagnetic energy units” (EEs), the building blocks of our universe
• how creativity provides a link with the source of all existence
• the true power of the imagination, and the importance of broadening its scope
• a discussion of “value fulfillment”—or the yearning to enhance the quality of life as a fundamental desire in all life forms

Rob Butts chronicles for the first time the intensely personal story of Jane Roberts’s worsening health problems, which slowed Seth’s dictation of the work and eventually led to her death. Stimulating and provocative, this long-awaited book answers crucial questions about the entire significance of Seth’s system of thought.

Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 2
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the first volume of Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Seth presented an in depth picture of the origins of all life—from the inner dream world to the vast display of material creation. Here, in Volume 2, Seth continues his explanation of the physical world as an ongoing self-creation—a direct and intentional outgrowth of the wisdom of the life forms that inhabit it, including humanity. He expands upon his vision of a thoroughly animate universe, where virtually every possibility not only exists, but is constantly encouraged to achieve its highest potential. In his typical awe-inspiring manner, Seth sheds light on many controversial and complex subjects, including:

• the ways in which our religions have stifled the human spirit
• surprising insight into life’s meaning and purpose
• the genetic basis of faith, hope, and charity
• the pursuit of pleasure as a fundamental human need
• how each species keeps millions of characteristics within its genetic bank for various contingencies
• myth, art, religion, and science as physical translations of Master Events—the inner, creative, multidimensional source of all events
• the Magical Approach—the creative, spontaneous exploration of life focused in the moment point, trusting and following impulses
• “life clouds” that are “seeds” for entire new realities, each complete with numerous probabilities and propensities for their own value fulfillment

“To my great surprise and slight annoyance, I found that Seth eloquently and lucidly articulated a view of reality that I had arrived at only after great effort and an extensive study of both paranormal phenomena and quantum physics.” Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe.

The Magical Approach: Seth Speaks About the Art of Creative Living
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The Seth books are world-renowned for comprising one of the most profound bodies of work ever written on the true nature of reality. In this brand new volume of original material, Seth invites us to look at the world through another lens—a magical one. Seth reveals the true, magical nature of our deepest levels of being, and explains how we have allowed ourselves to become inhibited by our own beliefs and conventional thinking.

The Magical Approach teaches us to live our lives spontaneously, creatively, and according to our own natural rhythms. It helps us to discover and tune into our natural, instinctive behavior. By applying the principles in this book, reader will learn to trust their impulses and discover the highest expression of their creativity. Seth discusses:

• assembly-line time vs. natural time
• the rational approach vs. the magical approach
• combining the rational (intellect) and magical (intuition)
• nature as a cooperative venture that serves as humanity’s caretaker
• the natural person—following natural rhythms and using psychic abilities
• effortlessness—relaxation as creativity’s greatest champion

“We are indeed dealing with two entirely different approaches to reality and to solving problems—methods we will here call the rational method and the magical one. The rational approach works quite well in certain situations, such as mass production of goods, or in certain kinds of scientific measurements—but all the rational method, as it is understood and used, does not work as an overall approach to life, or in the solving of problems that involve subjective rather than objective measurements or calculations. The magical approach has far greater weight, if you use it and allow yourselves to operate in that fashion, for it has the weight of your basic natural orientation.” Seth

The Way Toward Health
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.On September 05, 1984, the voice that had spoken for one of the most profound and prolific metaphysical teachers of the 20th century fell silent. Seth, the entity who described himself as an “energy personality essence no longer focused in physical matter,” had spoken exclusively through Jane Roberts since the Fall of 1963. During the long illness that lead to her death, Jane continued to channel Seth from her hospital bed, but his final work was left unfinished. Now, more than a decade after Jane’s passing, her husband, Rob Butts, shares with us the intimate story of Jane’s final days, and the exquisite teaching that Seth gave during that time.

Jane considered this book The Nature of Personal Reality #2. In other words, it serves as an excellent self-help book for anyone dealing with their own health issues. In an examination of the miracle of life in a human body, Seth speaks about:

• how and why conventional medicine and therapy often perpetuates dis-ease
• how the practice of naming dis-eases can work against us
• the influence of religion in creating dis-ease
• how children’s health is influenced by parents’ beliefs
• humor as an effective factor in healing

“Do not think of the mind as a purely mental entity, and of the body as a purely physical one. Instead, think of both mind and body as continuing, interweaving processes that are mental and physical at once. Your thoughts actually are quite as physical as your body is, and your body is quite as nonphysical as it seems your thoughts are. You are actually a vital force, existing as a part of your environment, and yet apart from your environment at the same time.” Seth

The Early Sessions: Book 1 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In this first volume of The Early Sessions, you can witness Seth first coming through on the Ouija board in the Fall of 1963 beginning an adventure in consciousness that continued until Jane Roberts’ passing in September 1984. Seth begins to introduce a broad outline of the material that he will deliver for the next six years leading up to his first complete book Seth Speaks.

For the first time, you can see how Seth’s ideas unfold and develop. In this first volume Seth introduces concepts like:

• the physical universe as camouflage and idea construction
• how cause and effect and linear time are camouflage constructs created by the five physical senses
• the first mention of the inner senses that complement and work in conjunction with the five physical senses (epistemology)
• the basic “levels of selfhood” (onotology) that include the outer ego, subconscious, and inner ego
• “mental enzymes” which predate the concepts of “consciousness units” and “electromagnetic energy units” that serve as the building blocks of energy and matter
• “mental genes” that act as psychic blueprints for all energy and matter
• how free will operates in the context of a multiverse

“The basis and firm ground work of the material, and its primary contribution, lies in the concept that consciousness itself indeed creates matter, that consciousness is not imprisoned by matter but forms it, and that consciousness is not limited or bound by time or space; time and space in your terms being necessary distortion, or adopted conditions, forming a strata for physical existence.” Seth

The Early Sessions: Book 2 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In this second volume of The Early Sessions, Seth continues to introduce new concepts and flesh out ideas presented in the Volume 1.

Seth discusses concepts like:

• the spacious present which incorporates no-time, no-space, no-death
• basic “laws” of the universe (teleology)—value fulfillment, energy transformation, spontaneity, duration, creation, consciousness, capacity for infinite mobility, changeability and transmutation, cooperation, quality depth
• more information about the inner senses that complement and work in conjunction with the five physical senses
• more on the basic onotology or “levels of selfhood” that include the outer ego, subconscious, and inner ego
• clairvoyance and telepathy
• faster-than-light space travel based upon the inner senses
• Seth, while working with Jane to deliver material with low distortion, is not to be considered an infallible source

“This material will take its place in the conceptual and emotional life of Western civilization, and finally will make its way through the world. New ideas are not accepted easily. When they take fire however, they literally sweep through the universe.” Seth

The Early Sessions: Book 3 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In this third volume of The Early Sessions, Seth continues to introduce new concepts and flesh out ideas presented in the Volumes 1 and 2.

Seth discusses concepts like:

• “consciousness units”—the primary aspect of consciousness that serves as building blocks for energy and matter
• three “layers” of the subconscious that form the invisible core of the human psyche
• the concept of “karma” not based upon cause and effect
• the true nature of dreams, dream objects as individual symbols of meaning in a multidimensional dreamscape
• psychological time, value fulfillment, telepathy, intellect and intuition
• the nature of consciousness, ego awareness, and the multidimensional psyche
• the god concept, in terms of primary pyramid gestalts, and All-That-Is

“Efficient manipulation within the physical field will soon require that other portions of the self be utilized and recognized. In a manner of speaking, the ego can be compared to the nationalistic state of nations, necessary indeed for man’s development, but already growing passe, and perhaps even mitigating against the survival of the species.”

“The worldwide view of man as a species, worldwide brotherhood in no way hampers or endangers the individual man, and in no way endangers nations, but will represent one of the main hopes of mankind, without which no nations will endure.”

“In like manner, when the ego concept is discarded as a concept, as the concept of nationalism will be discarded, so the individual self will not lose but gain. The individual self will expand, and the individual man will be capable of expanding when the old idea of nationalism is finally overthrown, and he can be benefited through learning of, and cooperation with, other men as brothers upon your planet.” Seth

The Early Sessions: Book 4 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the fourth volume of The Early Sessions, Seth continues to introduce new concepts and expand the others discussed earlier.

Seth elaborates on concepts like:

• simultaneous time in which our inner selves are aware of many “hidden” aspects of our multidimensional psyche
• the ego’s development, function, and purpose
• the dream universe as a “value climate” of psychological reality
• a continuing discussion of the God concept—a Divine Creative Source that isn’t static and perfect, but an eternal action of becoming
• the beginnings of the envelope tests with Dr. Instream
• the nature of dreams in relation to inner and physical aspects of conscious creation
• “value fulfillment” as a fundamental quality of all consciousness

“There is a unity and there is a joy and there is an exaltation in all aspects of life and consciousness. It is not to any religion’s benefit that people starve. There is nothing wrong with using spiritual knowledge in practical manners.”

“Fulfillment, value fulfillment, implies fulfillment of all abilities and all potentials, including quite physical potentials. The pyramid gestalts of which I have spoken have experiences far beyond those of any human being. Yet they are concerned with the least, with the existence of the least among you.”

“The fullest potentialities cannot be developed unless the physical aspects are also developed. Your job is to manipulate as well as you can within the physical universe, and to develop within it religious leaders of any denomination. Any leaders who restrict development along one level for the sake of development along other levels, betray their followers.” Seth

The Early Sessions: Book 5 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the fifth volume of The Early Sessions, Seth continues to introduce new concepts and expandthe others discussed earlier.

The Early Sessions: Book 6 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the sixth volume of The Early Sessions, Seth continues to introduce new concepts and expand the others discussed earlier.

The Early Sessions: Book 7 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the seventh volume of The Early Sessions, Seth continues to introduce new concepts and expandthe others discussed earlier.

The Early Sessions: Book 8 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the eighth volume of The Early Sessions, Seth continues to introduce new concepts and expand the others discussed earlier.

The Early Sessions: Book 9 of the Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the ninth volume of The Early Sessions, Seth finishes delivering the first 510 sessions. Session 511 would begin Seth Speaks, his first dictated book.

The Personal Sessions: Book 1 of the Deleted Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the first volume of The Personal Sessions, Rob Butts writes a thirty-nine page intro to set the stage. His second wife, Laurel Davies-Butts, who has been with him for eighteen years now includes a short essay in the intro. These books include previously unpublished material that dealt with personal issues, most importantly, Jane’s symptoms that began in 1967, some four years after the sessions began.

The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of the Deleted Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.In the second volume of The Personal Sessions, Seth continues previously unpublished material that dealt with personal issues, most importantly, Jane’s symptoms that began in 1967, some four years after the sessions began.

The Personal Sessions: Book 3 of the Deleted Seth Material

by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The third volume of The Personal Sessions, spans from December 1973 to August 1977.

The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of the Deleted Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The fourth volume of The Personal Sessions, spans from August 1977 to August 1978.

The Personal Sessions: Book 5 of the Deleted Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The fifth volume of The Personal Sessions, spans from August 1978 to December 1980.

The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of the Deleted Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The sixth volume of The Personal Sessions, spans from December 1980 to May 1982.

The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of the Deleted Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The seventh volume of The Personal Sessions, spans from May 1982 to January 1984.

The Early Class Sessions: Book 1
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The first volume of The Early Class Sessions, spans from September 12, 1969 to November 25, 1969.

The Early Class Sessions: Book 2
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The second volume of The Early Class Sessions, spans from January 6, 1970 to December 29, 1970.

The Early Class Sessions: Book 3
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The third volume of The Early Class Sessions, spans from January 5, 1971 to May 18, 1971.

The Early Class Sessions: Book 4
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.The fourth volume of The Early Class Sessions, spans from May 25, 1971 to January 25, 1972.

How to Develop Your ESP Power: The First Published Encounter With Seth
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.This astonishing book records Jane Roberts’ first sudden spontaneous psychic experiences. Each chapter contains excerpts from the early Seth sessions. This book, as no other, carries the initial enthusiasm, the growing excitement and tension, as Seth began to speak. Jane talks about her experiences:

• working with a Ouija board
• precognitive dreams, keeping dream journals
• clairvoyance and telepathy
• the inner senses, including psychological time
• the inner ego, subconscious, and “reincarnation”

“All the books that Seth and I later wrote emerged from these pages.” Jane Roberts

The Seth Material
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. Seth, the self-described “energy personality essence no longer focused in physical reality” communicated with Jane and her husband, Rob Butts, through a Ouija board in late 1963. Soon Jane began to feel an overpowering urge to speak the words they were spelling. The next thing, Jane was speaking in a trance state as Seth, delivering a body of information with startling implications for humanity as it heads into the 21st century.

This book details the information that Seth delivered during the first six years of sessions leading up to the quintessential Seth Speaks in 1970. In tackling the challenge of putting Seth’s ideas to every day use, Jane reveals how this information impacted and changed her life forever. You will enjoy the masterful job Jane does in synthesizing Seth’s ideas into her own words. She discusses:

• what it was like to first encounter Seth
• the York Beach fragment personalities episode
• out-of-body experiences
• the nature of “reincarnation”
• probable realities and probable selves
• the multidimensional psyche
• the God concept, the creation, the three Christs
• an introduction to the nine inner senses

The Seth Material has completely changed my ideas of the nature of reality … I feel in control of my own destiny as never before, and no longer ruled by patterns subconsciously set during my childhood.” Jane Roberts

The Oversoul Seven Trilogy
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. Jane Roberts’ beloved character, Oversoul Seven, an ageless student of the universe, explores the entire framework of existence … As we follow Seven’s education, our own beliefs about life, death, dreams, time and space are challenged and stretched, leaving us with a refreshing and provocative perspective on the true nature of reality.

For the first time collected in one volume, here is one of the most imaginative tales ever written. Inspired by Jane Roberts’ own experiences as the author of the immensely popular Seth books, the adventures of Oversoul Seven are at once an intriguing fantasy, a mind-altering exploration of our inner being, and a vibrant celebration of life.

In The Education of Oversoul Seven, Seven explores the true nature of his being as he learns to communicate with four of his “incarnations”—four all-too-human people whose lives are separated by centuries, yet who also coexist.

In The Further Education of Oversoul Seven, the adventure continues with Seven facing new lessons as his human incarnations struggle with the problems of sanity, free will, and even godhood.

In the third saga of this exuberant adventure, Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time, Seven is instructed to take up residence in a human body while also journeying to the Museum of Time in search of the “Codicils.” The Codicils are eternal truths that bring about the greatest opportunities for vitality, understanding, and fulfillment.

Jane Roberts fans and all readers intrigued by “reincarnation,” dreams, out-of-body travel, and spirituality will love exploring the cosmos of consciousness with Oversoul Seven in these insightful and genuinely moving novels.

Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. For years Jane Roberts experienced a myriad of supposedly unexplainable events. Increasingly, Seth’s voice speaking through her was simply the springboard to experiences that baffled her and her ESP class. In Adventures in Consciousness, Jane sets out to account for this entire range of “unofficial information”—and what emerges is nothing less than a whole new theory of human personality called Aspect Psychology. This theory provides a brand new, expanded framework to understand the human psyche in terms of the multidimensional concepts of simultaneous time, probabilities, and “reincarnation.” What emerges is a breakthrough theory that makes Freudian theory look like narrow, calcified dogma.

Follow Jane and her ESP class in their explorations of:

• “reincarnational” and probable selves
• the Sumari development
• cordellas, or inner “alphabets”
• Oversoul Seven and the birth of Aspects
• the Source Self, focus personalities, personograms
• human perception as “prejudiced perception”
• an expanded God concept
• physical existence as a psychological white hole

“The story behind Aspect Psychology began with a series of events I couldn’t deny or explain. The June 21st ESP class in 1971 stands out as the turning point. Intuitively I was intrigued. Intellectually I was scandalized. These were either extraordinary perceptions or group hallucinations—or fell into some strange area between the two …” Jane Roberts

Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time
by Jane Roberts with drawings by Robert F. Butts

Click to order. In this six part poem, Jane Roberts’ explores a fundamental aspect of human experience—the duality of our soul’s immortality and our physical death. She confronts her fears head on, seeking to understand the blithe courage of a squirrel or stray cat, the hidden wellsprings of physical life, and the transitory partnership of flesh and spirit. Jane explores her feelings and expresses her own personal revelations:

Pt. 1—Getting Acquainted—Questions and Answers

Pt. 2—Soul and Self meet on a Rainy Weekend

Pt. 3—Death of a Cat, Senility, and Joy

Pt. 4—Body, Soul, World

Pt. 5—Feelings and Inner and Outer Landscapes

Pt. 6—Occult Spring

“Who needs poetry? All of us do. Poetry has always been the voice of the inner self, the carrier of revelations, dreams, and visions that often defy expression in ordinary prose.” Jane Roberts

Psychic Politics (An Aspect Psychology Book)
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. Follow Jane Roberts’ continued search for and exploration of the rules that guide our inner life, the links between subjective experience and the greater Reality that nourishes all of our existence. For the first time she writes of the Library, counterparts, the Codicils and much more.

Each reader is invited to participate in the debates and decisions within their own personality: “Each personality contains an inner civilization of the self which he yearns to govern … The ego rises from the civilization of the psyche just as a leader rises from the masses of the people; appointed, chosen, or taking control according to an inner politics first existing within the greater inner mind.” Our own subjective experience does alter those politics in turn, constantly changing the ground rules for ourselves and for others.

Psychic Politics is not only one of Jane’s most challenging books, but a personal investigation in which the sources of dream and myth, the creative wellsprings of sex and spirituality, appear in their full and breathtaking intimacy in every day life. Jane explores:

• the psychic Library—a super-real storehouse of “probable” books that tell of the paths human consciousness has not yet taken
• World Views—the sum of our physical lives—opinions, experience, theories that remain readily available even after death.
• “counterparts”—intimate psychic relationships between people, in historic time and out of it
• inner codes—dynamic psychic blueprints for humanity’s greatest potentials and achievements
• the Codicils—an alternate model for civilization to follow
• the four stages of conscious development
• living in a safe universe

“Each of you believes, to one extent or another, that the universe is not safe, and therefore you must set up defenses against it … You need not say, ‘The universe is safe,’ for at your present level, that will only enrage you. Say, ‘I live in a safe universe,’ and so you shall.” Seth

The World View of Paul Cezanne
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. Jane Roberts explores yet another remarkable adventure in consciousness, tapping into and interpreting a region of consciousness that Seth calls a World View—the sum of our physical lives—opinions, experience, theories that remain readily available even after death.

As Jane Roberts says, “Time and again I shifted my consciousness to one side and brought in Cezanne’s view of his work, the world, and the role of the artist. I do not claim to have his spirit on a psychic leash. Yet to whatever still unknown degree, my consciousness served to interpret a Cezanne reality that still exists.”

The result is one of Jane’s most important books—a series of extraordinary insights into the wellsprings of art and the interaction of subjective vision with the physical world of space and light. This book is not only a fascinating case history of a new mode of perception, but a brilliantly original guide for all those are ready to explore—and expand—their own creativity.

“Almost anyone will tell you that Paul Cezanne’s thoughts died with his body … But his World View, composed of his thoughts and feelings, exists as surely in the psychological environment as his pictures do in physical reality. In a manner of speaking, this World View has been impressed on Jane Roberts’ mind.” Seth

The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. In Psychic Politics, Seth first described the “World View” phenomenon—when individuals die, the sum total of their experience survives them. And by putting ourselves in the mental and emotional “site” they occupied, it is possible to reconstruct the world as it appeared to them. Here Jane Roberts recreates the attitudes and opinions of the turn-of-the-century philosopher and psychologist William James—from an afterdeath point of view.

The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher presents a fascinating account of what an individual experiences after physical death—how the dead remain aware of physical events, communicate with one another, become aware of other lives, and stop identifying with the physical body. In addition, this book offers a unique “hindsight” to the creative dilemmas each person faces during their life, and the nature of consciousness and ESP—ending with a brilliant exposition on cultivating a useful optimism and practical faith in life. James/Jane explores:

• the insidious shortcomings found in Freudianism and Darwinism
• Science’s and religion’s incomplete search for truth
• the Gifted Amateur—an individual with a strong interest in a field of study not bound by the officially accepted rules of “how to do it best”
• the afterdeath environment
• the Atmospheric Presence and Knowing Light—an afterdeath perception of Divine Creativity or All That Is
• biological faith—trust in one’s natural order of being, and Nature as our “caretaker”
• faith’s visions—the individual’s search for meaning, value, and truth

“The feelings and experiences of each person continue to exist after death, and these can be perceived under certain conditions. In other words, each of us has a unique version of reality that makes up our own private world view.” Seth

“It is the worst kind of arrogance to ignore the existence of paranormal experiences on parts of large portions of the population, and dangerous to operate with hypotheses that do not include such larger versions of reality. Science wants to be free of myth, yet it sets up its own. Only science’s myths lack all of those qualities that give men hope, zest, cheer, or faith, by denying not only the meaning of man’s universe but of his very being, reducing his world to a spiritual and psychic vacuum, shoving man out of his own experience and diminishing his sense of stature by denying the events of his psyche.” William James/Jane Roberts

Emir’s Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. This is Jane Roberts’ only children’s book—the charming story of a young prince named Emir who lived when the world was brand-new. His father, King Chamil, ruled this wonderful kingdom, where people, plants and creatures lived forever because death had not been invented. But the kingdom was quickly becoming too crowded and Emir’s father sent his young son on an adventure to the Land of the Gods to discover the perfect solution. In his sojourns, Emir has many surprises and:

• discovers that it’s easier to work with than against nature
• gets a very important “sky tattoo” from SkyMaker, a god and master artist
• invents many things, including the world’s first lie, conscience, and inspiration
• discovers his astral body, and it takes up no-space at all!
• learns that in order for nature to work properly, death must occur
• discovers that he sometimes talks too much, and by listening more intently he can actually hear many gods speaking to him, including the God of All Life–the God-One-In-Many
• learns that in order to join the Parade of Life, he must invent and accept his own death

“Emir is that part of me and of everyone who at some time has to question the meaning of life and death .” Jane Roberts

The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto (An Aspect Psychology Book)
by Jane Roberts

Click to order.Jane Roberts probes further into her own personal and cultural beliefs than ever before. In what turned out to her last Aspect Psychology book, Jane offers a tour de force that synthesizes over 15 years of Seth sessions into a declaration of psychic independence—A Psychic Manifesto. She probes the meaning of a direct connection to the source of Divine Creativity, which she terms the God of Self, in her case the God of Jane—as we each have one!

Cutting out the middle man and taking full responsibility for her life as never before, Jane takes the leap of faith that few have done before into the brave new world of a fully conscious creator. This pioneering work offers a call to arms for others to take the same leap, trusting in their own good nature and intent, learning to probe the previously untapped potentials that lie latent in each of us. Jane discusses:

• the impact of Framework 1 and Framework 2
• working with, learning to trust our impulses
• abandoning Freudian flaws, Darwinian demons, and Crucified Gods
• the God of Self—our personal, direct connection to All-That-Is
• more from the psychic Library
• a poetic declaration of independence—A Psychic Manifesto
• the concept of a decentralized God
• an American Vision—where no one person, group, or dogma claims the right to have the Truth or the Way

“We will, indeed, have quite different visions and versions of God, All-That-Is, Ultimate Reality or whatever other term we may use to describe our unknown source, as we each interpret reality through our unique experiences and abilities. Such diversity should be taken for granted. But we should allow no one such vision to be accepted as absolute, or as carrying the indelible stamp of Divine approval.” Jane Roberts

If We Live Again, or, Public Magic and Private Love
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. Jane Roberts’ collection of essays and poetry explores the connection between love, enhanced perception, and unofficial speculations. In these pages she lets the “magical reasoning” of the heart examine questions that the intellect alone can’t answer. In particular, she deals with love as an altered state of consciousness and considers the sometimes embarrassing questions that love asks of religion and science alike—questions that lead to what she calls “the magical approach” to love and life itself.

She explores personal love whether the love object is a person, a cause, an idea—or an aspect of nature, and praises the power of the emotions as they correlate with the ever-moving forces of the seasons. She also stresses the importance of self-love, maintaining that it leads ultimately to a greater sense of unity with nature and existence. Opening pathways to deeper levels of perception, If We Live Again encounters one of love’s greatest questions: do we live again? What are the many possible versions of immortality that might preserve our loves—and our lives themselves?

The book’s organizing themes:

• Introductory Essays
• If We Live Again
• Unofficial Speculations
• Transformations
• Public Magic
• Strange Liberty
• Mysterious Processes
• Another Version of Immortality

“When we write poetry we ask questions of the heart rather than the intellect. It’s as if we somehow know that the real answers slip between our rational thought; or even suspect that on occasion our feelings are the answer.” Jane Roberts

Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. This book was originally intended to be the sequel to The Seth Material. Now, following her death in 1984, this unpublished manuscript reveals a Jane Roberts few people knew. In the beginning, she doubted her own mystical experiences and Seth as a consciousness separate from her own. She struggled to understand and integrate her increasingly public role and wasn’t satisfied with the simple answers but sought to be convinced of the truth of Seth’s teachings.

Seth: Dreams and Projection of Consciousness is an extraordinary book. It not only contains Seth’s teachings on the human ego, dreams, trance states, creativity, and projections of consciousness but also the tender personal moments marking the maturing of the Seth/Jane Roberts partnership. Jane’s explorations on the nature of her own dream state and the dream state in general lead her into the realm of altered states, out-of-body experiences, and precognitive dreams. Jane discusses:

• the physical universe as idea construction
• the inner senses—psychological time explorations
• dream recall, dream journals
• dreams and health
• precognitive dreams
• dreams and probabilities
• out-of-body techniques from the waking, dream, and trance states

“You think that you are only conscious while you are awake. You assume yourselves unconscious when you sleep. In Freud’s terminology, the dice are indeed loaded on the side of the conscious mind. But pretend for a moment that you are looking at this situation from the other side. Pretend that while you are in the dream state you are concerned with the problem of physical consciousness and existence. From that viewpoint, the picture is entirely different, for you are indeed conscious when you sleep.” Seth

A Seth Reader
by Jane Roberts, edited by Richard Roberts

Click to order. Richard Roberts has created a marvelous abridged version of the essence of the wisdom of Seth. If you’ve ever wanted to read a condensed version of the Seth Material with only a minimal version of Rob Butt’s copious notes, then this is the book for you.

Among the topics are the eternal validity of the soul, the multidimensional human psyche, “karma,” probabilities, probable selves, “reincarnational” selves, counterparts, the nine families of consciousness, the origins of our universe and all species on planet Earth, past civilizations, the three “Christs,” how thoughts form reality, simultaneous time and the “illusion” of linear time.

Collected in chronological order from:

• The Seth Material
• Seth Speaks
• The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 1 & 2
• The Nature of the Psyche
• The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
• Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 1 & 2

“You get what you concentrate on. There is no other main rule.” Seth

The World View of Rembrandt
by Jane Roberts

Click to order. Jane Roberts “tunes into” the non-physical mind of Rembrandt who provides amazing reflections and advice stemming from his experiences both before and after physical death.

Jane’s husband Rob Butts’ states, “I was finding (the Rembrandt material) evocative in a way that the James and Cezanne material hadn’t been, while at the same time I respected and admired those two works greatly. The Rembrandt material, however, is ranging widely, touching upon many facets of not only the artist’ s life in Holland in the 17th century, but upon the city of Amsterdam and its environs.”


Conversations with Seth: The Story of Jane Roberts’s ESP Class, Vol. 1 & 2
by Susan M. Watkins

Click to order. Susan Watkins, close friend of Jane Roberts—one of the most respected psychics of the twentieth century—attended Robert’s ESP class from 1968 to 1975. Throughout the years, Watkins and her fellow classmates asked themselves and Seth, the “energy personality essence no longer focused in physical reality” who spoke through Roberts, difficult questions regarding personal reality. Faced with incidents of serious illness, painful relationships, financial hardship, and natural catastrophes, they challenged Seth’s repeated statement the we each “create our own reality.”

In addition to being a well-written, highly entertaining historical account of the late Jane Roberts and of the class—with its diverse members, raucous atmosphere, and sometimes heated arguments— Conversations with Seth reveals the profound insights that individual class members and the group as a whole discovered over time: insights into the origin of both the troubling and triumphant events in our lives, and insights into the vast nature of human consciousness.

Among the topics are:

• Various ESP exercises, remote viewing, table tipping, belief recognition, and more
• The Sumari development
• The Inner City
• Out-of-body projections, class dreams, the Gates of Horn
• Probabilities and probable selves
• Counterparts
• Alpha journeys

“Susan Watkins has accomplished an immeasurable task in chronicling the time she spent in the company of Jane Roberts and Seth, who together produced one of the most amazing bodies of metaphysical literature of our time. She tells the story from the point of view of the novice and so takes us with her as we discover the ‘Seth’ within us all. Reading her book is the next best thing to having actually been there ourselves.” Fred Alan Wolf

Speaking of Jane Roberts: Remembering the Author of the Seth Material
by Susan M. Watkins

Click to order. Susan Watkins and Jane Roberts were friends for sixteen years. Early on, Seth, the entity who spoke through Roberts, told the two women that they were counterparts, connected in this particular lifetime to work out some shared personal issues. In addition to being a compassionate and sometimes painfully honest look at Roberts’s life—her difficult childhood, her constant questioning of psychic abilities and sources of creativity, her resistance to Seth’s advice, her dramatic struggles with her health—Speaking of Jane Roberts is also a beautiful and applicable illustration of the counterpart relationship. The connection that Watkins and Roberts shared reveals something important about the power and mystery of the connections we all share with the people closest to us.

Watkins also offer original insights into the phenomenon of channeling and addresses the question: Where is Seth now that Jane is no longer living?

Among the topics are:

• Various memories and anecdotes about their relationship
• the feminist agenda of their work together
• the strange case of The Chestnut Beads
• Friday night get togethers
• Personal relationships and their impacts
• Counterpart connections; psychic abilities, writing skills, and more
• ESP Class
• Jane’s symptoms and her passing

“Sue has done a terrific job. Reading her deeply touching memoir of my wife, If felt very strong, sad, yet brilliant surge of emotion.” Robert F. Butts

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